
Morning Routine: Gentlemen’s Guide to Starting the Best Day

Ask any successful person – they will all tell you to develop a working morning routine in order to achieve your tasks and goals for the day. Your success starts with the first steps in the day.

Man Gentleman Wearing a White Dress Shirt in the Bathroom

As a gentleman, your morning routine can set the tone for the rest of your day. Whether you’re an early riser or a snooze-button warrior, establishing healthy morning habits can help you start your day on the right foot. In this article, we’ll explore the best practices for a gentleman’s morning routine, including tips for waking up refreshed, starting the day with a healthy breakfast, and setting intentions for a productive day ahead.

With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to a successful morning that sets you up for success in all areas of your life.

When to Start Your Morning Routine

Many gurus will argue, but in my opinion, if you wake up at seven or eight and achieve everything you want in the day, there is nothing wrong with waking up at 7. However, if you want to accomplish more things in the day and your time is limited, wake up an hour early and see the difference.

Patrick Bateman Morning Routine in American Psycho
Patrick Bateman’s Morning Routine in American Psycho

If you wake up an hour earlier, let’s say at six o’clock, you’ll see how much more you can fit into your daily schedule. This is mainly because, after work, you won’t have the same level of energy.

Typically, after work, we prefer to spend time with our family, relax, and prepare for the next day. That’s why it’s worth starting to put that extra hour into your morning routine. If you want to spend the day with energy and confidence, keep on reading.

Gentleman Morning Routine

Get a Good Night’s Sleep – 10:00 PM

You may be asking yourself, if this article is about the morning routine, why am I talking about the evening? If you want to make the next day count and develop a great morning routine, you need to get the evening right. It is step zero. To have a good start for the day, you need a good night’s sleep.

Trust me, if you make your sleep better, you will feel good and achieve way more in the day. Your sleep can set the tone of your whole day.

Gentleman's Morning Routine: Get a Good Night Sleep
Photo by Christopher Jolly

Wake Up – 6:00 AM 

I bet many people and coaches will tell you to wake up at 4 a.m., but let me tell you that it is not necessary. It all depends on when you start working. For me, it is 9 AM, that’s why I like to wake up 2-3 hours before. This way, I never feel rushed or under pressure. I enjoy my mornings.

When the alarm clock hits in the morning, no hesitation, no hitting the snooze button, no social media – hop off the bed and dive into the day. It is one of the easiest ways to have a positive start to the day. No thinking, just straight out the bed.

Drink a Glass of Water – 6:05 AM

Despite my love of coffee, a large glass of water is the first thing I drink every morning. During the night, you will dehydrate. That’s why it is important to refill your body with water.

You can put some lemon wheels or lemon juice in your water, but plain water is just as fine. I usually take my vitamins when drinking the first glass of water. The key here is to drink water in the morning.

A Man Pouring Water into Glass

Stretching – 6:10 AM

I don’t know about you but for me starting to do stretching in the morning was life-changing. You don’t have to think about anything serious, like half an hour of yoga. 5 to 10 minutes of stretching with deep breaths is more than enough, especially if you plan to do a workout afterward.

Gentleman's Morning Routine: Stretch

Quick Workout – 6:20 AM

I usually like to do cardio or HIT workouts in the morning to make my blood flow throughout the rest of the day, but sometimes I keep strength training for the morning. Whichever it is, doing your training in the morning is a great way to wake up your body and have a confident day.

Gentleman's Morning Routine: Workout
Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

Doing some exercise in the morning is one of the easiest ways to reduce stress and create a good morning routine. This will give you positive affirmation throughout the day. You don’t have to have an hour-long session in the morning. A 30-minute workout will be perfect to give you a boost for the day.

Breakfast – 7:00-7:30 AM

After my workout, I drink another glass of water and make a healthy breakfast. My breakfast is mostly either oatmeal or eggs. I like to keep a structure – or some call it routine – in my life, and keeping the same breakfast seemed to help me save a lot of time deciding what to eat every morning.

When limiting the options for breakfast, you don’t have to think about what you should choose. You will have a handful of great recipes that are easy to make in the morning and filled with nutrition.

Cooking Kitchen Essentials, Pots, Knifes

Shower – 8:00 AM

Once I have finished making and eating my breakfast, I usually have a shower, which helps to refresh my body and makes me ready for the day. After the shower, I do my grooming – including my hair and skincare routine.

Also, this is the time when I brush my teeth. I like to do these after showering because my hair and skin are in the right condition for it. After this step – and also getting dressed, you would most likely leave the house. However, in today’s article, I talked about my home office morning routine.

Gentleman's Morning Routine: Shower

Preparing for Work – 8:30 AM

I usually take some time before starting actual work to review where I left off on the last working day. I typically read articles and news related to my current tasks to prepare for anything that may come my way.

Gentleman's Morning Routine: Prepare for Work

Start Working – 9:00 AM

The day-starting routine ends here for me. When the clock hits 9, it means business. I usually start working at 9 AM, but by that time, I am ready for all the challenges the day will bring for me.

This was my ideal gentleman’s morning routine that I am trying to maintain every day. Of course, there are days when things change due to previous days, but if you do most things right, you will have an exceptional day ahead of you, and both your mental and physical health will thank you later.

Gentleman's Morning Routine: Start Working
A Man Going to Work as Final Step of His Morning Routine © Andrea Natali

Why Follow a Morning Routine as a Man?

A morning routine provides structure and sets a positive tone for the day. It helps successful men cultivate discipline, prioritize tasks, and optimize productivity. Additionally, it promotes mental well-being, allowing for clarity and focus, ultimately enhancing overall performance and achievements.

Men Grooming Face Wash
Photo by Lumin on Unsplash


In conclusion, if you want to have more productive days, I recommend starting a morning routine. You don’t have to follow the same that I have, as there’s no such thing as the perfect morning routine. I just shared mine with you to inspire you to create your own.

If you take one or two points from the article, you will start to see changes in your life. However, the most important thing is to establish a routine and have the will to stick to it every morning. I wasn’t a morning person for a long time, but I slowly started using these points in my life, and now I like mornings.

Gentleman Morning Coffee Newspaper

How is your morning usually going? Send us a message on one of our social platforms – you’ll find the links below.

Keep on reading: How to Dress like a Gentleman

Morning Routine: Gentlemen’s Guide to Starting the Best Day
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Morning Routine: Gentlemen’s Guide to Starting the Best Day
Looking to start your day off the right way? Check out our guide for a gentleman's morning routine, from waking up refreshed to setting intentions for success.
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Midway Gentleman
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