
How I Learned to Host Amazing Parties, Every Time

I have good friends who like to host smaller parties a few times a year. I’ve always loved how their parties always end so well, and everything is so natural. After a few ones, I started to compile a list of the steps needed to have an amazing party. This list is thanks to them.

A Group of People Having a Party

Hosting a party is great. I mean, if you like doing it. But assuming you clicked on this article, you plan to host one. It’s always great to spend time with friends and family at home or an outside location. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind before you send out the invitations. Let’s dive into the tips that will help you to host amazing parties.

Just Send out the Invitations

Many people tend to overthink the idea of hosting a party. “Oh my house is not big or nice enough for a party”. These things are only in your head. As long as your place is clean and you invite loved ones, no one will judge you. Send out those invitations and have a great time with your friends and family.

Host Amazing Parties: Just Send out the Invitations
Photo by Andrew Neel

Keep the Place Clean and Well Maintained

If you plan to throw your party or event at an off-site location, this is not relevant to you. However, if you plan to host a party at your place, make sure to prepare it for one. Clean the floor, dust the shelves, and put breakables away – if children or alcohol are involved.

Host Amazing Parties: Keep the Place Clean and Well Maintained
Photo by Lakeisha Bennett

Listen for Preferences

I know. You are the host. Your rules. But if you choose a place that only you like and the other 15 invitees don’t, it won’t be a good party. The same goes for the menu, if most of the guests are vegetarians and you plan to serve seared beef for dinner, your guests will not feel comfortable at your place.

Listen to their preferences and plan your party accordingly. A good host listens to the guests, especially if they are friends or family members. Don’t be selfish, and don’t skip this step.

Host Amazing Parties: Listen for Preferences
Photo by Redd on Unsplash

Keep Your Guests Informed

Let them know how many people will be there and if they know each other. This way, everyone can prepare better for the party. Just give them a heads-up about the food we’re prepping, the drinks we’d like to have, and the overall vibe of the party. That’ll help them choose the right outfit for the occasion.

If you’re throwing a dinner party, it’s not ideal to show up with a bottle of spirits. In those cases, it’s better to bring a bottle of red wine instead. That’s why it’s a good idea to give your guests a heads-up about the party’s theme and intention.

Host Amazing Parties: Keep Your Guests Informed
Photo by Antenna

Follow up on Missing RSVPs

Things can come up for all of us, but it doesn’t mean we don’t like the person who invited us over. Don’t let them think you feel angry about not accepting your invitation, thank them for their honesty and send a nice message.

Host Amazing Parties: Follow up on Missing RSVPs
Photo by Adem AY

Plan Some Activity or Game

We all love some sort of activity. The best parties I ever attended had something special, that could start any conversation. Whether it is a card game, a drinking game, or cooking together over the campfire.

Even at company parties, the best ones all had something special, like a foosball table, photo wall, or something that could break the ice and start conversations with your friends.

Host Amazing Parties: Plan Some Activity or Game
Photo by Gerson Repreza

Focus on One Thing

Many recommend doing everything right when, in reality, it is not that important. Let me explain that. If you search for how to host a great party, you’ll find tons of photos and articles about how to get the food right, the decoration right, and the invitation right.

I say that you should focus on one thing and master it. If you are a great home cook, prepare a well-made dinner, or if you are a pro in drinks, prepare tasty cocktails and tell stories about them. However, if you are into interior design, decorate your home or the place for a specific theme. The thing is, you should focus on one or max two things.

Host Amazing Parties: Focus on One Thing
Cheese Board captured by Melissa Walker Horn

Prepare the Music

A well-prepared sound system and a playlist can do a lot for the party atmosphere. I said it many times earlier, but this is something that can also set the tone for conversations and initiate interaction between guests.

If you are not good with music selection, there are tons of pre-made playlists on Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube that you can play at your party. And if it’s not a success, you can ask your friends to recommend songs.

Host Amazing Parties: Prepare the Music
Photo by Travis Yewell

Final Thoughts

As a final note, I want to encourage everyone to host parties with their friends. After a long month of work, there’s nothing better than spending quality time with your friends. I hope I can help you with this list to have a great time with your loved ones. If you want to hear about the latest articles and topics we cover, follow us on Instagram.

Keep on reading: 11 Classic Rum Cocktails You Can Make At Home

How I Learned to Host Amazing Parties - Midway Gentleman
Article Name
How I Learned to Host Amazing Parties – Midway Gentleman
I hope this list helps you to host amazing parties that you and your friends will enjoy. Follow along with the tips, and you'll learn the right skills.
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Midway Gentleman
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